Friday, November 6, 2009

One more week in San Diego

Since I couldn't get ready to return home on the weekend after my trip to Baja, I decided to stay one more week with Juanpa and Monique and travel back the following weekend. During the week, Juanpa helped me fix the truck to be able to safely carry the motorcycle in it.

On Friday the 6th, I got very sick and I even had to stop working because I couldn't concentrate and I just needed to sleep. That night, Julie called me because Negrita had collapse with convulsions. She found her on the floor convulsing when she came back from work, so we don't know how long she was there. I helped Julie on the phone as much as I could, but Julie had to get Negrita in the car and take it to the vet in Gabriel Park. The veterinarian there tried to make the convulsions stop, but she couldn't, so Julie and I decided to take Negrita to the Northwest Veterinarian Specialists clinic in Clackamas. I was on the phone as much as I could, but I was still feeling terrible.

Negrita spent the night in the clinic and it wasn't looking good, so I woke up very early on the 7th and started driving back home. I was still not feeling good and my back was killing me. I had to get hot pads to allow me to drive. I was on the phone with Julie as much as I could on my way back, but the news she was sharing with me were no good. Negrita was deteriorating very quickly and now there was practically no hope of getting her back. We initially thought that it could be a relapse, but after confirming with Dr. Cyman that it was not a relapse, we knew she was dying.

I drove straight through and made it home very late on the 7th. I couldn't wait any longer, so we got Sammy in the car and drove to the clinic. When we got there, we already knew there was nothing to do and they were just keeping her alive for me to be able to say goodbye to her. She was completely asleep, because it was the only way to keep the convulsions under control. We spent some time with her, but as soon as they reduced the medication to see if she would wake up for a little bit, her legs started twitching, so I asked them to put her to sleep right there in front of us. We were all there with her and I got to hug her and talk to her telling her that it'd be alright. I hope she heard me and went peacefully.

We came back home from the clinic, but it was still difficult to believe that we were leaving Negrita behind for good. I had to go back to the clinic the next day to see her one more time and say goodbye. I got to have her with me for a little while and took some hair and a paw print they did for us. She was cold because they had her in a freezer all night. She looked beautiful as always. She look very peaceful. It was good to see her, but it broke my heart. Julie stayed in the car with Sammy. A few days after, they called me to go pick up her ashes.

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